Cinematic. Creative. Timeless

Little Jonah! | Los Angeles Child Headshot Photographer

You may remember Jonah from our shoot at Vasquez Rocks with the Wilson and Hernandez Families.  This little guy is destined to be a star!  Jennifer asked if we could take a few shots for his modeling port, pertaining to his agents style preference, so we made a day of it!  We headed out to what is quickly becoming one of my favorite locations to shoot, William S. Hart Park in Newhall, and we were able to get some great shots.  NOTE:  I know I am going to get some questions regarding the editing of these image, and let me be clear, YES his eyes ARE that blue, no photoshop trickery here :-).  If you do not see this kid in magazines, and on billboards, I will be surprised.  Not only is he a little looker, but he is a GREAT listener, and made our job extremely easy!  Thanks again to the Wilson’s for trusting us in helping kick off this little man’s career with some new headshots!

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