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Dallas Headshot Photographer

I specialize in creating professional headshots that help you stand out and succeed. With over 15 years of experience in photography, I've been honored with the title of Master of Photography by the Professional Photographers of America. Our studio is based in Dallas, but our reputation for excellence in headshots reaches clients nationwide.

I understand that a great headshot is your first opportunity to make a strong impression—whether on LinkedIn, your company website, or in a corporate directory. That's why we focus exclusively on capturing headshots that are not only professional but also genuinely represent your individuality and professional demeanor.

Headshots are a passion of mine because they are so crucial in today's digital world. Whether you are an executive, a creative professional, or entering the job market, I am committed to crafting an image that showcases your confidence and competence. Using the latest technology and my expertise in lighting and posing, I ensure that each client looks their absolute best.

I believe in a collaborative approach, taking the time to understand your career goals and personal style. This ensures that your headshot looks great and conveys the right message about who you are professionally.

Business Headshot

Corporate Headshot

Dallas Headshots

Why Choose Us?

I do believe that a headshot is more than just a professional photo—it’s a key to unlocking new opportunities. Here’s why you should choose us for your headshot needs:

Expertise & Experience: Designated as a Master of Photography by the Professional Photographers of America (PPA), I bring over 15 years of experience and a refined eye to each session. My background in lighting and posing ensures that we highlight your best features in every shot, even if you are picky.

Tailored to You: No two headshots are the same because no two clients are the same. We start every session by getting to know you—your career ambitions, personality, and even your quirks. This way, we can tailor the experience and the final product to reflect your individuality. For instance, an attorney will need a different headshot than a doctor, so we must ensure we are personalizing your session for your goals.

State-of-the-Art Studio: Our Dallas studio is equipped with the latest photographic technology. We have everything needed to ensure high-quality results, from advanced lighting rigs to various backdrops that suit every style and profession. If you need us to go on location to your office, we have a travel kit that allows us to produce the same quality on location as we do in-studio. We photograph most of our headshot sessions tethered to provide you with instant proofing.

Fun, Relaxed Environment: Let’s face it, not everyone loves being in front of a camera. That’s why we strive to make your experience enjoyable and stress-free. Expect a few laughs, great music, and a comfortable setting that makes you forget the camera is even there.

Speed and Efficiency: We know your time is valuable. That's why we work efficiently to ensure your headshot session is quick without compromising quality. And with a 24-hour turnaround time, you’ll quickly have your professional photos ready to use on your website or marketing material.

Consistently Outstanding Results: Our clients love the results, and they tell us all the time! From LinkedIn to company websites, our headshots help professionals look their best wherever they are featured.

"I took my headshots with Michael, and everything was just perfect! Great customer service and super professional. Not to mention top notch talent. I was in and out in 15 minutes! Thank you Michael and Jenny for a great experience!!!"

-Miguel Ocque

Our Headshot Services

I understand that professionals from all fields must put their best face forward. Our headshot photography is tailored to meet the specific needs of individuals across various careers. Here's a look at just some of the professionals we cater to:

  • Corporate Executives: Elevate your corporate presence with a headshot that commands respect and authority.
  • Healthcare Professionals: From doctors to nurses, a trustworthy image is crucial in the healthcare industry.
  • Educators and Academics: Whether you're a teacher or a university professor, present a knowledgeable and approachable image.
  • IT and Tech Professionals: Show off your tech-savvy side with a modern, sleek headshot.
  • Artists and Creatives: Let your unique personality shine through with a headshot that reflects your artistic spirit. This includes actors and models.
  • Real Estate Agents: Make a great first impression on potential clients with a professional, friendly headshot.
  • Lawyers and Legal Professionals: Convey trustworthiness and professionalism crucial for your legal practice. We specialize in attorney headshots.
  • Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners: Stand out in the competitive business landscape with a headshot that showcases your drive.
  • Sales and Marketing Professionals: A headshot that mirrors your dynamic and persuasive personality can make all the difference.
  • Finance and Banking Professionals: Project confidence and reliability with a polished headshot.
  • Hospitality Professionals: From chefs to hotel managers, present an inviting and professional image.
  • Government Officials and Politicians: Ensure your public image is respectable and approachable. We have photographed numerous politicians, from city council members to House of Representative candidates.
  • Engineers and Architects: Display precision and professionalism in your field with a sharp headshot.
  • Students and Job Seekers: Make a strong impression on potential employers with a professional headshot.
  • Online Daters: Your profile photo is your first opportunity to make a memorable impression in online dating. Whether using platforms like Tinder, Bumble, Match, or OkCupid, a professional headshot can set you apart by showcasing your personality in the best light possible. We understand the nuances of crafting an inviting, attractive photo that captures the real you, enhancing your chances of finding that special someone.

Our studio is equipped to accommodate any special requirements related to your profession. Whether you need a traditional studio background or a more creative environmental shot that tells your professional story, we have the expertise and equipment to deliver outstanding results.

Pricing Information

Understanding the costs associated with your headshot is as important as the shoot itself. Here's a clear breakdown of what you can expect when you book a session with me:

Individual Sessions: For a one-on-one headshot session, my fee is $350. This includes a pre-shoot consultation to discuss your needs and preferences, the shoot itself, and all the final retouched images delivered within 24 hours.

Corporate and Group Rates: If you want headshots for your team or company, the initial cost is $350 for the first person and $100 for each additional team member photographed sequentially. This group rate is cost-effective and ensures that your entire team's headshots are consistent in style and quality. Need us for a daily or half-day rate for company hiring events? We can quote you for that as well.

Trade Shows and Events: Please contact us directly for more significant events or trade shows requiring multiple headshots. I offer customized quotes based on the number of people, location, and specific requirements of your event.

No Hidden Fees: Transparency is critical in my pricing. You won’t find any hidden fees or unexpected charges. The price we agree on is exactly what you'll pay.

I'm here to ensure you get fantastic value and stunning headshots. Whether it's for your professional profile or a personal project, I'll work with you to ensure it fits your budget without compromising on quality.

View our Pricing

Unique Styles

Seeing is believing, and I invite you to explore my portfolio to witness the quality and diversity of my work firsthand. Each image in my gallery represents a story, a personality, a moment captured with precision and care. Here’s what you can expect to find:

Diverse Styles: From crisp, corporate headshots to vibrant, creative portraits, my portfolio showcases a wide range of styles to match any professional need or personal preference.

Attention to Detail: Notice the sharpness, the lighting, the postures. I obsess over every detail to ensure your headshot is excellent.

Real Client Examples: The people you see are professionals like you, from executives and entrepreneurs to artists and academics. Each headshot is tailored to reflect the individual’s character and professional ethos.

See our Portfolio

Customer-Centric Approach

Your headshot is all about you. From the moment you reach out to me, I focus on understanding and meeting your desires and expectations. Here’s how I ensure each client gets a personalized experience and results they love:

  • Pre-Session Consultation: We start with a conversation. What brings you in for a headshot? What are your professional goals? What style resonates with you? This initial chat helps me tailor the session to your exact needs.
  • Collaborative Atmosphere: During the shoot, I encourage your input. Do you want to try a different pose or switch up the backdrop? Let's do it! Your comfort and confidence are paramount, and it shows in the final product.
  • Post-Shoot Selection: We’ll go through the images together after our session. You select your favorites, and then I work on the final touches. This collaborative review ensures the final headshots are precisely as you want them.
  • Follow-Up: Once you receive your photos, I ensure you’re delighted. Need a slight retouch? Do you have a question about using your new headshot? I’m just a call or email away.

We offer headshots for various professions throughout the Dallas Metroplex

Details Matter

When it comes to professional headshots, every detail counts. I understand that the most minor elements can make the most significant difference in how you are perceived professionally. Here’s how I ensure nothing is overlooked:

  • Attire and Appearance: We'll discuss what to wear before your session. Whether it's choosing the right color to complement your skin tone or selecting an outfit that conveys the right professional message, I’ll guide you every step of the way.
  • Posture and Posing: Unsure how to stand or where to place your hands? Don't worry! I’ll provide simple, easy-to-follow directions that make you look natural and confident.
  • Expression Coaching: The correct expression is critical to a successful headshot. Whether you need a look authoritative, friendly, or thoughtful, I’ll help you achieve it. We’ll try a range of expressions to find the one that truly reflects your personality and professional role.
  • Lighting and Background: I use state-of-the-art lighting and a variety of backgrounds to complement your specific style. Whether you need a bright, airy look or something more subdued and formal, the lighting and background will enhance your best features.
  • Retouching: After the shoot, I carefully retouch your chosen images to perfection. From smoothing out stray hair to adjusting the lighting, I ensure the final photos present you at your absolute best.

With a keen eye for the nuances of headshot photography, I ensure that every aspect of your session is managed with precision and care. The result? A headshot that you’re proud to display and that makes the right impression.


Ready to take your professional image to the next level? Booking your headshot session is easy. Here’s how you can get started:

  • Reach Out: Simply fill out the form below and we will send you a link to schedule your session. We’ll discuss your needs and schedule a time that works for you.
  • Consultation: Once your session is booked, we'll have a more detailed consultation to discuss your headshot needs more thoroughly, including style, wardrobe, and any specific requirements you have.
  • Session Day: Come to your session relaxed and ready to have fun! We’ll get comfortable and try different looks to ensure we capture you at your best.
  • Selection and Retouching: After the shoot, you’ll select your favorite images from various options. I’ll then finalize the images with professional retouching, ensuring perfect detail.
  • Delivery: You’ll receive your polished headshots within 24 hours after selection, ready to be used wherever you need them.

For any questions about the process or special requests for your headshot session, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I'm here to make sure your experience is as seamless and enjoyable as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

A: Choose solid colors that complement your skin tone and avoid overly busy patterns that can distract from your face. For professional headshots, business attire works best. If you're unsure, feel free to bring a couple of options to the session, and we can choose together.
A: A typical headshot session lasts about 30 to 45 minutes. We take the time to try different poses and expressions, ensuring we capture the best possible shots.Answer
A: While I do not offer in-studio makeup and hair services, I can recommend professional makeup artists and hairstylists who specialize in preparing clients for photography sessions.
A: I offer a variety of backgrounds to suit different styles and preferences, including solid colors and textured options. We can discuss what best suits your needs during our consultation.
A: You will receive a selection of the best images to choose from. Typically, I provide 5-10 edited photos for you to keep. If you need more images, we can certainly accommodate that!
A: Yes, professional retouching is included in your session. This includes correcting blemishes, enhancing colors, and ensuring the lighting complements your features.
A: Don't worry! It's my job to make you look good. I can bring out your best features with the proper lighting, angle, and pose. I strive to make the session fun and relaxed, which helps bring out natural expressions.
A: Get a good night's sleep, drink plenty of water, and come with a positive attitude. If you wear glasses, bring them along, and any other accessories that define your style.
A: If you need to reschedule, please let me know at least 48 hours in advance. This allows me to open up my schedule for other clients. We offer a refund for cancellations that occur within 24 hours of booking, after which, your session fee can be transferred to a new date once.
A: Your headshots can be used for professional profiles, company websites, LinkedIn, resumes, and more. They are a great tool for personal branding and making first impressions count.

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